In photography three camera settings will determine how bright your image should be – first shutter speed, a second aperture, and ISO.
The optimal settings depend on the ambient light stage when you’re taking pictures of any animals. Probably low light needs a long shutter speed 2nd wider aperture, and higher ISO. Bright ambient light allows using a faster shutter speed, narrower aperture, and lower ISO.
Let’s dive into exactly how each of these factors affects your exposure and other aspects of the image.
Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the amount of time your camera allows light to hit the sensor and exposure.
Probably most of the cameras can set to have a faster shutter speed like 1/4000 of a moment and as long shutter speeds like 30 seconds. The faster your shutter speed, the less light that hits the camera sensor, which puts you at risk of underexposure. But it also allows you to freeze up movement.
This does not just take in the movement of your object, but also camera shake just by handholding the camera. With dynamic subjects and telephoto lenses (which magnify shake), wildlife photography is one of the perfect storms that require having a fast shutter speed.
in my opinion, I will try to stick to 1/250th of a second for wildlife photography, and faster (sometimes even 1/1000 second or 1/2000 second) if my subject is moving very rapidly With too long of a shutter speed, like 1/60 second, you’ll start to need a tripod in order to eliminate camera tremble and a moving subject would not twist out sharp.

Aperture is the size of the notch in your lens and how much light it can collect.
As you may have heard before, your slit value is written in f-stops. If you set your camera to an f-stop of around f/2 or f/2.8, it means that the aperture blades in your lens are open comparatively wide, capturing a batch of light. As you skip the f-stop to higher numbers like f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22, and so on, it means that you are finishing the aperture blades to a greater degree, which results in much less light being captured.
Aperture is very essential in wildlife photography not just because of how much light it captures, but also because of the dept of field. At broad apertures like f/2.8, your photos will have a “shallow focus” effect where only your subject is sharp, and the foreground and background are out of focus. At narrower apertures like f/11 and f/16, the depth of field increases. This changes the look and feel of a photo, so it’s important to get your aperture right.

ISO is the third camera setting that changes how vivid and dim your photo is. so unlike shutter momentum and aperture, shifting the ISO doesn’t actually capture more or less light. Instead, it’s masses more similar to altering a photo’s vividness in post-processing software like Photoshop.
So, even though high ISO values will brighten your shot, it’s not a magic way out to shoot in low light. You’ll notice that if you set too soaring of an ISO – as different to capturing enough light in the first place – your photos will turn out very rough and raucous, with odd colors and a lot less detail.
What ISO standards should you use for wildlife photography? My suggestion is to stick to ISO principles between about ISO 100 (best image quality) and 800 (acceptable image quality) with most entry-level cameras. Even cameras that are 10+ years old can still produce working images up to about ISO 800. Some of the newest full-frame cameras still look good up to ISO 3200 or 6400.
But whenever you like you have the choice, it’s best to evade having the boost the ISO too high. Take a look at your shutter speed and aperture and see if you can capture more light in the first place. Maybe you’ll notice that you’ve planned a shutter speed of 1/2000 second when you could easily get away with 1/500 seconds (capturing four times as much light) and a significantly lower ISO.