HomePhotography TipsBest time of the day to capture shots in Barsana Holi

Best time of the day to capture shots in Barsana Holi


It’s every photographer’s ambition to capture the Holi festival celebrations in the villages of Barsana and Nandgaon.

The event takes place before Holi and represents Lord Krishna visiting Barsana village to invite Radha to Holi. The males of Nandgoan village travel to Barsana village, where the ladies, representing the Gopiyas, beat them up while playing the traditional Holi.

People from all around the world, including photographers, gather to experience and capture the event. Because the work is challenging, here are some pointers to help you get through it.

The Barsana Holi festival is one of the most vibrant and colorful events celebrated in India. Holi is a time of joy and revelry, where people come together to celebrate the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil.

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Capturing photos of the festival is a must for anyone who wants to relive the memories of the event. To get the best shots, it is essential to know the best time of the day to take photos

Make mental preparations

You must mentally prepare yourself for a difficult shooting scenario in which people will attack you and your camera with colors and water. You can’t stop them since it’s part of the event.

Keep your gear safe

Best time of the day to capture shots in Barsana Holi
Photo by Alex Andrews

If you’ve ever been to a Holi party, you’ll know that keeping your camera safe in the midst of the chaos is no easy task… And, as a photographer, your equipment is likely more valuable to you than anything else.

To begin, properly prepare and cover your gear with a plastic cover or any fabric to prevent powders from getting into your camera, apply sellotape, and pay special attention to your memory card slots, battery, and audio connectors. You may buy a rain cover to match your model online

Choose your spots ahead of time.

Arrive early to escape the crowds, and pick your seat ahead of time. In Barsana, you’ll have to stroll through the alleys and try to reach a house top to safely shoot the lat mar holi.

There is a terrace in Nandgaon where you should choose a decent place based on the lighting ahead of time for the finest outcomes.

Use Barsana, use a wide angle, while in Nandgaon

Best time of the day to capture shots in Barsana Holi
Photo by Shubham Keshari

Use a zoom because of the tough shooting situation, changing lenses is quite difficult.
As a result, I recommend using a wide lens in Barsana and zooming in Nandgaon because zooming in and out is tough in Barsana due to the proximity of individuals playing Holi.

In Nandgaon, you may climb to the temple’s terrace to avoid direct contact with colors and water, allowing you to effortlessly spin your lens.

Best time of the day to capture a shot in Barsana holi

Best time of the day to capture shots in Barsana Holi
Photo by Shubham Keshari

Early Morning: Holi starts early in the morning with the singing of devotional songs and the lighting of the Holika bonfire. The early morning light is soft and creates a beautiful backdrop for capturing the ritual.

Mid-Morning: As the festival progresses, people start smearing colors on each other and engage in revelries. Mid-morning is the perfect time to capture the joyful and playful moments of the festival.

Afternoon: As the festival winds down, people start to clean up and the colors begin to fade. Capturing photos of the aftermath of the festival, with the remnants of the colors on people’s faces and clothes, can be a unique and interesting perspective.

Sunset: The final moments of Holi are marked by the setting sun, creating a beautiful backdrop for capturing photos. The orange and red hues of the sunset combined with the colors of Holi make for stunning photos.


the best time to capture photos of the Barasana Holi festival is early morning, mid-morning, afternoon, and sunset. Each time of day provides a unique perspective and atmosphere for capturing the vibrant and colorful event.

It is important to be prepared with the right equipment and to be mindful of your surroundings while capturing photos to ensure that you capture the best shots of the festival.


Writer CreditSantoshi Das
Digital Showcase of Lens Rider is founded by Nishant Pandey. It is essentially a magazine to guide photographers. Here we put out new blogs everyday having tips and tricks of photography and information about different areas of photography that one can explore.


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