
Category: Photography

What are photography’s seven elements?

A lot more than just art, photography is. It is an ability. Professional photographers invest time in understanding their craft and studying it thoroughly, discovering precisely what is needed to capture an...

How has photography affected lives?

Through photography lives, you can put yourself in someone else's situation and experience their struggle, joy, or despair.Everyone has a story to tell and something to say, but sometimes the right words...

Does photography have a big impact on politics?

It is now customary to refer to a "visual turn" in the study of international politics, which acknowledges that photographs and other visual artefacts play an ever-more-important role in portraying and forming...

Can a smartphone ruin photography?

Modern photography is interesting thanks to technological improvements. Due to smartphone manufacturers' advancements, many consumers question whether their smartphone is as good as a dedicated camera like a DSLR. Professional photographers are...

Arrangement and Layout Ideas for Photo Gallery Wall

The craze of Interior decor has increased in recent times, everyone is looking forward to making their home different by adding a personal touch to it which is not available in anyone...

How to prepare for different types of Sports Photography

Sports is something that majority of people in this world follow and enjoy, it is a recreation to perform and also watch. To document this world wide obsession you need to prepare...

Top-Budget friendly travel destinations around the World

In this blog we will suggest you 5 such places from around the world where you can travel on a budget. 1. IndiaPerhaps the most vibrant and beautiful country you can visit is...

Discover the Unexplored Locations of Goa

Vacation !!! This word brings up joy in everyone’s life, a few days of relaxation with your loved ones can set a happy tone in your routine life.In India, Goa is a...
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